Voltage takeoff cabinet SHON is intended for voltage takeoff from the coupling capacitors in existing and projected power transmission lines with nominal voltage 35 to 750 kV AC at fre-quency of 50 and 60 Hz, as well as for transmission of measuring data signals to automatic circuit reclosers and synchronizing devices.

Main technical data and specifications meets TU 3433-005-46569277-2002 and the design documentation developed by Rosenergoservis. Small cabinets are intended for work in the weather and climatic conditions
according to GOST 15543.1-89 and GOST 15150-69 of category II (U1 and HL1).

Operating conditions:

Recommended operating temperature: -50 °C to +40 °C, operating temperature limits: -60 °C to +45 °C. SHON shall be placed at maximum height of 2000 meters above sea level, all the factors de-creasing dielectric insulation strength shall be eliminated to the maximum extent possible. The environment shall be non-explosive and free from current-conducting dust and the con-centrated aggressive vapours that destroy metal. Cabinet protection rating: IР54

General view and dimensions of voltage takeoff cabinets are given in Foto.